His name should actually be:
the elusive brother some and the watchtower society.. in brooklyn , they have for years been bothered by a shady and very mystical brother.
they usually call him some.
we receive constant reassurances from the watchtower that what is printed in the literature is the truth.
His name should actually be:
it may be a little early for this, but i am kind of new to all these things.......... so what are your new year's resolutions??
here are mine: get fit, get organized, and to see some of my life goals acheived this year.
last year i dedicated the year to having some fun, giving myself time off since just leaving the borg.it was all good , but now i am ready to not just work on clearing my mind, but healing my body as well.
I, Country Girl, hereby RESOLVE to *not* do the following:
* call husband "gay" anymore when he threatens to pout;
* run around the fish tank and make the fish follow me, thinkin they are going to be fed;
* spray the cats with the water hose;
* scaring the chickens into a frenzy by shaking the doormat at them
* lying to my teenaged son that there is a video camera hidden in his room
* hiding under the bed and grabbing my husband's leg when he sits down on it, thereby scaring him out of his pants (hey.. the lady is a conniving tramp!)
* screaming "OOOooOOOOO COOTIES!!! and running away in Wal-Mart when someone accidentally bumps into me
* holding husband's eyes open with my fingers and blowing on them
* poking finger in husband's mouth when he yawns (a truly time-honored tradition: 12 years)
* holding husband's nose so he can't breathe
* burning husband's leg hairs with a lighter
* putting my arm under my shirt, making it look like I am one-armed while walking with husband at flea market
* limping so I can ride the motorized shopping carts at Wal-Mart
* eat all the dinner and say the cats ate it
and last, but definitely not least, I RESOLVE, to:
Finish that degree.
Country Girl
feeling left out?...awww bleeeess (((( )))).
just opening the door for anyone of the "broken hearted class" to say which class you would place yourself in....caring?
I'm in the High Clash.. er.. Cli Hash... er sumpin likat....
Gun Tree Curl
thursday, december 12, 2002 .
convicted rapist seeks parole.
What I wanna know is *how* he got baptized!? Did they baptize him in the cell sink; pour a bucket of water on him, or what?
could a war with iraq be more difficult than expected?
i found an interesting site, where they claim that iraq could indeed defeat the us.
tell me your comments after reading it.
I baked a pie at Thanksgiving, and it had a lot of digits in it -- <shoos away wayward children>
this is country girl and i am inviting you to come to our hasty retreat decompression session from march 13 -18. this there are eight places in the house for people to sleep, tere is also lots of space to sleep on airbeds in the house.
this is a women only retreat.
if you would like to attend, you are most welcome.
Hello. This is Country Girl and I am inviting you to come to our Hasty Retreat Decompression Session from March 13 -18. This There are eight places in the house for people to sleep, tere is also LOTS of space to sleep on airbeds in the house. This is a WOMEN ONLY retreat. If you would like to attend, you are most welcome. Our home is open to all of you who would like to come. Transporation from and to the airport will be provided. If you do not get registered in time,. there are two hotels: Holiday Inn Express and Comfort Inn that will accomodate you. Transpportation will be provided.
I'd like to have a round figure of who can attend around the end of January for making arrangements for menus, etc. I am estimating the cost of shared meals to be around $75 for the whole weekend.
It will cost beteen $75 and $100 for the weekend for food. We are estimating costs based on how many people come and the menu.
Edited by - country girl on 11 December 2002 11:23:35
i was thinking about this the other day, and really things just don't make sense to me since leaving the borg.
being jw's we are told to fear the demons, they are there just to get us away from god.
don't buy from yard sales, don't watch demonized movies, don't look at porn because demons love that.
I don't know if God answers prayers. I pray alot. But I pray that his will is done, whatever that is. But I can see his blessing every day when I look at the beautiful blue sky, the magnificent bodies of my powerful horses running in the pasture, kicking up their heels, reeling in the pure joy of being alive. I see his blessing in my son, his movements, his awe at the world unfolding around him as he becomes an adult. Every day I see something that reminds me that this proud Creator provided us with gifts all around us.
I used to read tarot cards, read charts, etc. They never provided me with nearly the insight I got just watching the world around me. That is just my experience. I can't explain why certain things happen.. I have no clue. I can only attest to the power of God in my daily life just by being alive, and being able to appreciate what is so obvious to me: the beauty around me.
december used to be the worst month of the year for me.
i still remember making a santa out of a toilet paper roll, red crepe paper and some cotton in one of my first years of school.
when i brought it home, knowing it probably wasnt right, the parents reaction convinced me i was a real sinner.
November and December were always hard months for me, when I was a child and now as an adult. I celebrate Christmas now, but it's the anniversaries of both my brother's and grandmother's deaths that fall in those months, too. When I was a kid, it was always hard to hear what the other kids got as presents, and not be able to have that same excitement of waking up on Christmas morning to a bunch of presents. Being asked constantly what I got for Christmas and answering "nothing." Not being able to sing certain songs.. not being able to draw certain things in art class. It was so tiresome. Yes, I had a lot of stress during that month! I do remember when I was in second grade that I got sent to the principal's office for telling the other kids that there was no such thing as Santa Claus, it was a lie. Heheheeh.
why is it that jw`s get `hooked` into the latest multi-level marketing ploys
Oh Lord. And the endless round of Tupperware, Mary Kay, Avon, and Herbalife parties. I thought I would about vomit the other day when one of my "worldly" friends invited me to a jewelry party. I only went cuz she got some kinda prize or something and she's my best friend. I assured her I wasn't gonna buy anything. It is so JW. Well, the lady giving the party was a pentecostal Christian, kept bringing it up, etc. I was nauseated when I left there early and said I had to go to the feed store. No more of that crap for me. I hate that MLM more than I hate.. well... liver and onions.
i joined this site last week hoping to meet people that would steer me back to the organization.
instead the people i have talked to her are all trying to tell me too see the light and get out of the organization.
in my opinion, not that it matters, i really think that if a person had the truth deeply ingrained in them, they would never leave the truth.
An "organization" is only as good as the sum of its parts.